Active Service

Most men live there lives on the sidelines, waiting for life to happen. The Fit Man takes life by the horns and causes things to happen. This is who we are, this is what we do, it’s your time to get off the sidelines and get yourself in the game. You no longer have to wait for the coach to say it’s your time, you are the coach!!! Get up and get out there, your world is waiting on you.

Are you going to sit on the inside and look at life through the window or are willing to venture outside the glass and participate in the life you’ve been watching all this time.


A couple of things to start:

a.) routine - establish a routine and stick to it. What time are you going to get up? What is your first priority? What is this day, week, month going to look like? Remember this is your life! Make it count, one day, one decision at at time.

b.) Get in better health. You can only be as good as your health allows. Work out, eat better, do some cardio, get moving and take control of you health as much as humanly possible.

c.) Your mind and body are only two parts of a three part equation. Get spiritually fit. God is real, and you need to know Him, personally! Get involved in yours and your family spirituality. Quit checking out when it comes to spiritual matters, take charge and grow your spiritual man.