The Fit Man 


It all started when…

Early 2019 I preached a message entitled “The Fit Man” taken from Leviticus 16:21 where God instructed the high priest to take a scapegoat, or what we would modernly call an escape goat, and place it in the hands of a FIT man. This fit man was to take this goat which bore the sins of Israel and take it into the wilderness and make sure to take it so far away that it would never find its way back to the camp. Everything that has tried to destroy his family and the nation of Israel was represented by that goat and it was his job to make sure to get it out of the camp. As I completed preaching that message I began to feel that we has a world that is overwhelmed by things that try to tare us down and rip our families and communities apart need some “FIT” men to help carry these hindrances away from us. To deal with what is negatively affecting our society and homes and churches, we need FIT men. Spiritually fit men is our answer to better families, better communities and better lives. This project is to help equip and to call men around the world to step up to the plate and become “The Fit Man” of your circle of influence wherever that may be.



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